Catalog Of The Climax Patent Geared Locomotive

Horizontal Style-Brief Description

THE Climax Patent Geared Locomotive has many points in its construction peculiar to itself that have earned for it such worldwide popularity for durability, strength and efficiency. It is the outcome of a demand for an engine that has great traction power and flexibility to adjust itself when running upon light and cheaply constructed tracks, on steep grades, sharp curves and rough and uneven roadbeds. It is built for any practical gauge, and to run on either wooden, steel or even pole roads, as desired. While we recommend the building of steel tracks wherever possible, yet the wooden stringer railroad is successfully and profitably operated upon by our locomotive weighing up to twenty tons.

The Locomotive is mounted on two four-wheel trucks which have a spring over each axle in addition to those between the bolsters, making them flexible on the road and able to adjust themselves to irregularities of the track.

A Horizontal Engine is attached to the frame on each side of the boiler and transmits the power to the square line shafts, which have universal couplings, extending to both truck line shafts, on which are steel pinions, meshing into the axle gears, transmitting the power equally to all wheels and with equal traction to both rails. The engine parts are all in open view, readily accessible and adjustable to wear. The cross-heads have phosphor bronze shoes. The rods have screw wedge adjustment, The links are made in halves of forged steel, case hardened, and with the link pins of hardened tool steel with phosphor bronze bushings. The reversing shaft is made of hammered steel with forged arms, and the valve motion is perfected by improved link motion, adjustable to cut-off at equal points and to back up as much as it will pull forward.

Side View of Geared Truck

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