Catalog Of The Climax Patent Geared Locomotive


THE Climax Patent Geared Locomotive is now in successful operation in almost every part of the civilized world. When it is remembered that it is only ten years since this improved type of engine was placed on the market, its success must be regarded as the best, evidence of its superior worth. The great and increasing demand for this engine has necessitated the increasing from time to time of facilities on the part of the manufacturers, in the way of new buildings and special tools and machinery, until today their equipment is complete in every detail. The Climax Patent Geared Locomotive is made upon the most modern and approved principles, its center gearing, which is peculiar to this type of engine, furnishing and maintaining an equal distribution of power to both rails.

The design of this catalogue is twofold. First, to illustrate the superior construction of this locomotive, and, second, to show a number of views of the engine taken while in operation, all of which tell their own story of efficiency and ability to perform its task under the most difficult conditions. We have thought it best to show these illustrations in preference to printed testimonials, of which we have hundreds on file in our office, copies of which we shall be pleased to furnish on application.

The matter of greatest importance to a purchaser of a locomotive of our type is to know that he is getting the best. We fully guarantee the Climax Patent Geared Locomotive, both for workmanship and material, and invite a thorough investigation of its merits. An impartial trial will demonstrate its worth. Estimates and full particulars are cheerfully furnished on any size or type desired.

Yours respectfully,

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